howwecanhelp.jpgWe are a private service (Child & Adolescent Assessments Northern Ireland CAANI) offering convenient and prompt assessment and diagnosis for children and young people in Northern Ireland. We focus on neurodevelopmental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

We are currently unable to offer formalised multidisciplinary assessments for possible Autism/ASD due to nursing clinician retirement. We are currently focusing on ADHD assessments with our two doctors (consultants). 

Our New Patient Appointments (£485 - one hour long, full and comprehensive new patient report provided thereafter) with a Consultant Psychiatrist in Child & Adolescent Mental Health can help families identify if the areas of concern they have about their child may warrant further formalised assessment. New Patient Appointments include a history of difficulties/concerns, developmental history, screening questions for both possible ADHD and Autism/ASD traits, physical examination and a mental state assessment. If formalised ADHD diagnostic assessment is recommended, we can take this forward or refer back to NHS services.

Our formalised assessment process for possible ADHD uses Conners Rating Scales (in most cases).

We also offer medico-legal assessments in respect of children's mental health/ child and adolescent psychiatry. For further information, booking processes or further detail on pricing please email We cannot process bookings by telephone - bookings have to be made by e-mail. 

We do NOT currently accept direct payment from any health insurance provider. This is for several reasons: firstly, we require payment in advance to make a booking for New Patient Appointment in view of booking in our clinicians' time. Secondly, some insurers cap fees based on appointment duration. Our New Patient Appointment lasts 1 hour approximately whereas other medical consultant appointments may last 15-20 minutes. Our reports are also longer and more detailed in view of the nature of the assessment. Finally, we use and therefore book in advance, clinical rooms in an RQIA approved building with all associated insurances etc.  We can provide full receipts so that families can claim back payments from providers. 

We consult at Malone Private Clinic (Northern MRI) and can offer prompt access to appointments at this convenient, south Belfast location with private, off street parking. 

Our expert clinicians are highly trained and experienced, including in the use of validated diagnostic tools such as Conners 3, DISCO (developed by the Lorna Wing Centre)  and ADOS-2.

Every patient is assessed by a Consultant Psychiatrist in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. At the initial appointment we complete a thorough new patient assessment and developmental history, after which we can advise on which (if any) further diagnostic assessments within our service (or otherwise) are appropriate.

We can offer assessments to children with intellectual disabilities (learning disabilities), physical disabilities, sensory impairments or other complex needs.

We will provide a comprehensive report, which families can use for access to specialist support in education, health, training or employment. We do not offer a therapeutic service but rather advise and/or refer regarding any recommended onward support from established services as is relevant to each individual case. We can advise on prescribing if appropriate and link with General Practitioners, Paediatricians, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services or Autism Intervention Services as required.

Important Information

Please note that we do not offer an emergency service and do not provide emergency appointments or assessments. If you require urgent help or assessment then please contact your local GP or GP out of hours service. We do not offer child psychiatry assessments except for medicolegal purposes. We do not hold a waiting list. 

Information for GPs

We accept referrals from GPs or self-referral (from families directly). We will contact you following your patient’s assessment/appointment and keep you updated regarding any recommendations for further assessment or treatment.
You can write a referral letter and/or download and complete our referral form below and then send to CAANI by post or email. We request that all email referrals are sent password protected. Download a Referral form here.


We accept self-referrals from families but will require contact details for a registered GP for the child or young person being seen, as well as consent to pass on relevant information to them. For self-referral, please call or email us directly. We will then send you a booking form. Once this has been completed and returned, with payment for the relevant component of the assessment e.g. New Patient Appointment = £475, we will allocate a slot for an appointment. If the appointment is not convenient for you, we will offer alternatives. We do not offer appointments before receipt of payment. 

Information For Solicitors

We offer medico-legal assessments in respect of children's mental health/emotional well-being/child psychiatry. 

Please call or e-mail us directly for further information. 


E-mail: Tel: 07834831653